Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Day Made for Roofing

Today was a beautiful early fall day. It was just one of those perfect days - not too hot, not too windy, but a nice breeze, and a nice blue sky with a few white clouds. Kenny, his brother, and his Dad literally spent from sun up to sun down putting roofing on today. Rain is expected tonight and tomorrow (actually there's a thunderstorm going through right now), so they tried to get as much finished as possible. There's about 10 pieces left that need to be finished - hopefully if the rain clears out, we can get those down in the next few days. We still have the garage roof and some trim pieces to do, but you can see from the picture above that the standing seam metal roof really has a nice clean look to it.
I spent the day taking pictures and "getting stuff." Above you can see what was my view from the highest point on the house roof looking north to the Tealtown Baseball Fields. Our shed is in the lower right. Below is Kenny securing down a piece of roofing. Below you can see the Nutter boys. Kenny is farthest down, his Dad is in the middle, and his brother is closest. They really had a system going!
Below is a view looking up from the ground. Can a sky get any more blue? This is as they were working on the first few pieces on the east end.

All in all it was a very productive, but tiring day. Kenny's Dad loved the fact that he had both of his sons working with him and not once did any of them try to throw another off the roof! I've got some more pictures of the progress on the sewer line and excavation that I'll post tomorrow. It's almost 10pm so we're heading to bed for some well-deserved rest. Kenny's Dad and brother probably still have another hour before they get home, so if you know them, make sure you tell them they did a good job today!

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