Friday, September 5, 2008

ATTEND THE OHIO SOLAR TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to remind everyone that this year's Ohio Solar Tour - as part of the National Solar Tour sponsored by the American Solar Energy Society - will be Saturday, October 4th. We're on the tour again this year and we're really looking forward to it. Our tour will be the second stop on the Cincinnati East Tour that kicks off at the Melink Headquarters in Milford. Tour guide books and other info should be available on the Green Energy Ohio (GEO) website soon. Check in there at and click on Solar Tour on the left sidebar. Make sure you look for the 2008 Tour info because the last time I checked, they still had the 2007 info up there. Hope to see some of you in October! If you have any questions, just email me at Thanks!

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