Sunday, May 21, 2006

A House or a Swimming Pool?

Remember when I wrote that we were getting some rain? Well as you can see below we spent our Saturday with a rental pump trying to figure out if we really needed a house, or if a pool would be good enough? I'll post some "after" pictures above, but the "befores" are below. In some spots, we had about 24"-36" of water. We wanted to get the water out so that final excavation on the foundation could be finished up on Monday and the footing forms can start to be placed on Tuesday.

The picture to the left shows Kenny at the top of a huge pile of dirt. You can't see it, but he's leaning on his shovel, exhausted as you can imagine, after digging that huge hole.

Above you can see the pump in the water - along the right edge of the hole.
Here we have some pics of the electric temp pole and some of the foundation materials that were delivered to the site on Friday. Left is the ICF foundation forms, and below is the Form-A-Drain stay-in-place forms for the footings. They stay in place and become the drainage channel around the perimeter of the footings.

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