Wednesday, August 2, 2006

The Framers Rock

Here are pics from the end of the day yesterday - Tuesday. Framing began a week ago yesterday, but we missed 1 and a half days due to rain. So this is basically progress from 4 and a half days of framing. Of course these are in reverse order again. One day I'll figure out how to load these images! Below is the garage, with framing nearly complete. You can see the header over the door on the right and there will be another on the left. Also notice the high window on the wing wall to the far left.
Above is an exterior view of the south wall. Below is the interior view of that same wall, but from the interior view, you can see where the second floor windows will be.

Above is an interior view of the dining room looking out the south windows. The open web floor trusses above will remain exposed - as will the ductwork and other mechanicals. Below is an interior view of the Master Bedroom end wall with high window. This room will have a drywall ceiling. Thanks for reading - we should have another update tonight.

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