Friday, September 7, 2007

Latest Project

Ha! You all thought we'd retired and given up on house projects and our blog, didn't you? Well heck no - we've just been busy on our latest project - see below. It's almost complete, the monkey bars are the only thing left to add, and they'll go at the back behind the rock wall and tunnel. Just in case you can't tell from the pictures, there's also a slide, two swings, a trapeze/ring bar, a clubhouse with steering wheel and telescope, and a sand box below. We still have the mulch left to do, but overall it has the kids' approval.
It's made of Cedar and Cyprus - so it's durable and no toxic chemicals with pressure-treated lumber to worry about with the kids!
Next on the list: mulch around the playset, misc. landscape cleanup, getting some shade trees planted, and getting the HRV installed. Once the weather turns cold we'll begin working on interior trim.

Oh yeah, I forgot to update everyone on the blinds - we have interior blinds now and the ones in the great room, dining room, and kitchen are motorized on a timer so that we can set them to go up and down with the sun. Until next time . . .

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