Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Front porch paint!

We finally finished painting the front porch! I can't believe how much of an improvement it is. Next on our list is getting some landscaping and possibly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pool. We are getting some bids and thinking it over. Of course, that's a whole other blog, right? For the landscaping, we are putting in a rain garden in the front yard - downslope from the house. And in the back yard, we'll be putting in a wetland. Eventually, I'd like to also have a native prairie.

If you look at the top of the blog you'll see I added a photo fixed to the top and a little general info to the right sidebar. The photo at top, shows the view of the house with the PV solar panels layed down flat to the roof (the solar hot water panels are permanently raised to that angle, but the PV electric panels can be raised or lowered based on the seasonal angle of the sun). This is the summer look. The panels are only raised up in winter. We'll see if the angle change really impacts us that much for our summer electric production. That's about all for now - we'll keep you updated (hopefully more often) on the landscaping and pool. As always, thanks for reading!

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