Thursday, December 21, 2006

Electric's Almost Finished

The other day, Kenny's Dad and his brother-in-law Drew came up to help finish up the electric. We still have a little more wire to run inside, but they got the meter base and panel ready to go. Below you can see the meter base on the outside of the garage and the panel on the inside of the garage.

Here they are working on the meter base.

Kenny and I hope to finish up on the inside today or tomorrow and have everything inspected right after Christmas. The security people are scheduled to do their work January 3rd. We also scheduled the garage door opener installation for next week as well. Once we have all of that finished, the spray foam insulation people can apply their insulation in mid-January. Then we can move along with drywall and finish up the ductwork in the basement. As always, we'll keep updating as much as we can!

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