Friday, December 15, 2006

Plumbing, Siding, Finishing

Well yippy-skippy, we passed our plumbing inspection! We received the go ahead on Tuesday. The telephone, cable, and data is already finished, so Kenny worked today on running speaker wire. The security people should be coming soon to install the rough-in on their system, and electric should be finished up in a week or two. Once all of this rough in stuff gets inspected, we can proceed on with the spray foam insulation installation.

We've been really lucky with mild weather lately. Our best stretches of weather have been over Thanksgiving, and the past week. We've had nearly 7 days of near-60-degree weather! We were working at the house today in lightweight shirts with all of the windows and doors open and the sunshine streaming in. Kenny and I were dancing in the great-room to Elvis' "Blue Christmas" on the radio. It was so surreal. It's supposed to stay warm and dry until Sunday, so hopefully we'll have a very productive weekend.

Kenny and I finished up one side of the garage siding today as you can see below. It's looking pretty sweet! The middle picture is the top of the whirlpool tub deck that I worked on finishing today, and the bottom pic is an "artistic" view of the garage siding. Enjoy!

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