Thursday, April 20, 2006

Ground-breaking scheduled

Well, we've finished all of the clearing that we will be doing on the site. As predicted we cut down about 10 trees - young, unhealthy, non-native trees that directly conflicted with the project and it's goals. Five small, scraggly evergreens along the south property line closest to the house were removed to allow for improved solar access (for the passive solar heating and active solar hot-water heating and electricity). Five more small deciduous trees that were located within the confines of the house perimeter were also removed. Two or three more small and healthy-looking deciduous trees (maple, I think, but hard to tell without leaves!) will be moved from the south to the west side of the house. As you can see from the photos of the lot below, 10 trees justifiably removed is not bad considering the total number of trees on our property. All of the deciduous trees and shrubs that were cut down will be chipped and used as mulch for beneath the kids' play area. The evergreen brush was taken by us to a local landfill in three loads on a 5'x12' open trailer - so in the big scheme of things, that's not much waste. The only reason we removed the evergreen brush from the property was because it didn't look very health or usable.

On Sunday (Earth Day weekend), we will be having a ground-breaking get together with a few friends and family. We decided Sunday was a good day because work begins Monday. I'll be sure to post pictures!

The Sewer contractor will begin digging to install the water and sewer lines from the street back 320' to the building site on Monday. After he is finished, the Excavator will begin installing the construction driveway in the beginning of May. At that point, our foundation/framing contractor will take over and get the footings and foundation installed, and the rest of the house framed and under roof. We're hoping we can have the house under roof by mid-late June and that's when we take over with roughing in mechanicals, electric and plumbing. I'll keep the blog updated on the schedule as things progress and will definitely include construction photos! Until next time . . .

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