Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Zoning, Building Permit, Plumbing Permit,

We now have our Zoning Certificate, Board of Health Variance, Building Permit, and Plumbing Permit. We've paid our tap-in fees for water and sewer, and scheduled the sewer contractor - who should begin digging and installing the water and sewer lines first thing next week.

We have a few more trees to clear and then we are finished for a while. We'll have to spray an herbicide on the areas not affected by construction, so that the area will be ready to plant with our Low-Mow grass mix and our Native Prairie Meadow.

While the contractors are working on the excavation, foundation, and framing, we'll be building the storage shed. I'm just really looking forward to the preliminary sewer line being finished so that we can install the construction driveway and get out of the mud.

We will have to apply for a variance to keep the final driveway gravel instead of the required hard surface concrete or asphalt, and we'll also need a permit for building the shed. There's a lot of paperwork in this particular county - and the situation is the same when you consider inspections too. There are many inspections that need to be done - many more in comparison to some other local jurisdictions - but we'll get through it.

The good news is that friends of ours who live in that area have recommended a babysitter for the kids. Now we have two leads on childcare for the summer. Luckily, one of them will work out. We are also getting our current house ready to sell. We have cleared out quite a bit of our "stuff" and taken it to a friend's house. They just built their house and have an empty basement, so we offered to fill it up! After clearing out, we'll clean up and repair. The final steps will be a little touch-up painting and some staging before an open house. That's about it for now. We'll continue update as work begins and progresses. Thanks!

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