Friday, April 7, 2006

Update . .Banks and the Board of Health

We finally heard from the bank and it appears that the terms of our construction loan are acceptable, so we have scheduled a closing for 9:00 am Friday morning. (That's tomorrow!)

In addition, we spoke with the Clermont County General Health District, and they determined that because the current code states that two water supply systems to the same structure are not allowed, we will have to apply for a variance ($50) and make our case before the County Board of Health. We have to present our argument next Wednesday before the board and convince them why using rainwater to flush toilets is a good idea. In addition, we have to prove that there is no risk of endangering the health of the public through cross connection of the rainwater system with the municipal water system. Today Kenny was able to obtain a certificate from the Union Township Zoning office, so we are now clear to apply for a Building Permit from the County. We will apply for a Zoning variance at a later time regarding the driveway. The township requires a hard surface, impervious driveway material - which is not environmentally a good idea, so we will apply for a variance to install a gravel or pervious driveway instead. There are many other gravel driveways on our street, so we don't think this will be a problem.

We have contacted our foundation and framing contractor and put him on notice. We've also ok'd the order of foundation materials, so it seems we're days from actually starting. We will keep you updated on all of our proceedings!

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